In recent years relief organisations have been faced with growing challenges in the mastering of humanitarian emergency- and catastrophe situations abroad.
Representative is the war in the Balkans, the appalling earthquakes in Pakistan and Indonesia or the repeated flood catastrophes in and around Southeast Asia. German relief organisations have reacted to the increasing number and degree of crises and have provided more help than ever before.
Relief organisations worldwide must increasingly coordinate their humanitarian support: with partners on the spot, governments and international institutions, and above all among themselves. Only in this way can the suffering of refugees, those displaced and the survivors of cross-border catastrophes be alleviated.
Aktion Deutschland Hilft, Germany’s Relief Coalition has assumed the task of supporting the victims of extensive catastrophes abroad, quickly and according to need. Their suffering is to be effectively alleviated through united powers, their basis for existence reinstated and permanently assured. In exceptional cases, Germany’s Relief Coalition is also active at home.
Aktion Deutschland Hilft unites under one roof the experience and competence of organisations that have for many years provided humanitarian relief abroad. All members have their individual strengths and over a number of years have established their contacts to partners in various countries.
Germany’s Relief Coalition members provide their expert competence and experience to realise efficient aid projects according to need. The varied expertise and abilities of the individual members are bundled for use in the case of wars and conflicts, famines, earthquakes, flooding and other disasters. The member organisations exchange current information daily when combating catastrophes and also agree in advance about further action.
Through mutual public-relations work, Germany’s Relief Coalition wishes to make transparent the use of the money entrusted to them. Appeals for funds under a single account number and comprehensive documentation of all activities of all members during catastrophes offer simplified and comprehensive information.
The working methods of Aktion Deutschland Hilft are in many cases thus in accord with the suggestions and wishes of donors as given in the opinion polls.
All allied partners subscribe to the mutual obligation to maintain existing standards and national and international guidelines for emergency aid. These norms and agreements are recognised by the Foreign Ministry, the European Union and the United Nations.