Aktion Deutschland Hilft, Germany's Relief Coalition is a union of German relief organisations that can provide rapid and effective aid in the case of large catastrophes and emergency situations abroad.
Bundled experience in humanitarian aid
To further optimise their previously successful work, the participating organisations bring together their many years of experience in humanitarian aid abroad.
In exceptional cases, Aktion Deutschland Hilft is also active at home. The idea of integrating their respective knowledge and specific abilities, and through mutual extension to efficiently bundle measures for aid, unites the continued independent initiators of this mutual campaign. Overlapping and gaps in provision can already be avoided in the forefront of aid campaigns in this way.
Joint appeal for donations
During the acute phase of a catastrophe abroad, Aktion Deutschland Hilft turns to the public with a joint appeal for donations. Germany's Relief Coalition appeals for donations under a joint account number at the Bank for Social Economy (BfS).
- Combines the experiences and competences of the alliance organisations under one roof
- Provides a platform for consultation and exchange of information
- Promotes cooperation that creates synergies
- Closes gaps in coverage and overlap in areas of operation
- Implements a complete repertoire of assistance in emergency situations
- Enhanced structures and networks all over the world make it possible to help immediately in an emergency and to be on the spot
Reduced costs and higher share of donations
The existing administrative structures and capacities of the member organisations help to lower costs and to use directly the highest possible share of the collected donations for aid.
Distribution of the donation money takes place via a key that takes into account the capacity and capacity profile of the respective participating relief organisations.
Role models from Great Britain and Switzerland
Successful examples for this system that is to be implemented by Germany's Relief Coalition exist in Great Britain and Switzerland. The Disaster Emergency Committee and the Swiss Glückskette verify that a united approach when confronting large catastrophes eases the work of the helpers.