Even days after Hurrican Katrina hit the US States Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama scenes of horror and devastation are found:
People desperately waiting for help, decaying bodies, lootings, rape and overwhelmed police and security forces.
Food, potable water and drugs are urgently needed as well as transportation facilities for the evacuation of tens of thousands of people from the devastated area, with 233 sqkm as large as the size of Great Britain. Official sources expect several thousand dead; Unicef fears that up to 400 000 children are left homeless.
The insured damages are estimated by risk-analysis company AIR Worldwide to be between 17 to 25 billion USD, the company Risk Management Solutions calculate 10 to 25 billion USD damages. However, experience from previous hurricanes, shows that noninsured damages are twice as high. People mostly affected are those that cannot afford the expensive insurance rates.
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